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What is goal setting and how YOU can achieve it

What is goal setting

Setting goals can be very different depending on your values and lifestyle. However, doing so will allow you to reach your goals without looking like everyone else.

The goal-setting process is a simple and effective way to set goals and achieve specific goals in any area of your life. It can help you reach your goals in different areas of your life.

Setting progressive goals can help you reach more significant and more satisfying goals. In addition, these small goals will allow you to feel fulfilled and happy.

Why Goal setting is important

Setting goals helps people focus on what matters to them. It lets them determine what they should achieve and what they should avoid doing. Having a plan helps people set goals and measure their progress.

Setting goals helps keep you accountable. They can also help you develop habits that will allow you to reach them.

This course will teach you how to set realistic goals and how to achieve them.

Why do we obsess about GOALs?

Creating goals helps us set our life together and motivate ourselves to reach them.

The five rules to create a successful goal

  1. A set goal that motivates you

Set goals that are related to the high-priority items in your life. Doing so will help you avoid placing too many goals, which can leave you with too much time. One of the most critical factors in setting goals is having a sense of urgency. This will help motivate you and make sure that you are committed to reaching your goals.

It is essential that you set goals for yourself, so that they motivate you. If you have little or no interest in achieving them, then the chances of you doing it are slim.

To ensure that your goal is motivating, start by writing down the reasons why it's important to you. Then, ask yourself what would people tell them about it if they knew that it was a motivating goal.

2. Set a SMART goal

Do you always apply the rule when it comes to setting goals? The simple answer is yes, they should be SMART.

Specific - Your goal is direct, detained, and meaningful

Measurable - Your goal is f quantifiable to track progress or success

Attainable - Your goal is realistic, and you have the tools and resource to attain it

Relevant - Your goal aligns with your core value

Time-based - Your goal has a deadline

3. Set Goals in Writing

Writing things down on paper incensing the chance that you can memorize the goal more than creating it in your mind. Also, create a vision board and hang it on the accessible area to remind you every day of the goal you have set up in the beginning.

Pro tips: reinforcing number into your goal make it more tangible to recognize.

4. Make an Action Plan

Creating a timeline, task, or mind mapping involve with your goal. By listing all tasks that need to be done to accomplish the goal. Once done the task, cross it out of the list. Making an action plan will help visualize the big picture and keep track of the goal progress. Treat it like your personal project. The Action Plan can be implemented in a work project as well.

5. Stick With It

Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity, not just a means to an end. Keep using action plan to keep track of your progress. It is ok to change the task on an action plan to help you reach your goal. It doesn’t matter what way or method to achieve it. The only thing that matter is you stick to the goal that you have set up. As long as the end destination may remain the same, you are it the right path.

Stay curious, Stay humble, and Keep going

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